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Trustmark Universal LifeEvents® Insurance with Long-Term Care Benefit

Two important coverages for when you need them the most.

Financial security even after a loss
Protecting your loved ones is one of life’s greatest responsibilities. When a family loses someone, in addition to grief, survivors may suddenly be faced with costly expenses and debts, and even a loss of income. Universal LifeEvents can help.

Universal LifeEvents provides a higher death benefit during your working years, when your needs and responsibilities are the greatest. (See reverse for more on how Universal LifeEvents works.) You can choose a plan and benefit amount that provides the right protection for you.

Universal LifeEvents insurance can mean those left behind are still able to pursue their own dreams, and help ensure that the ending of one story won’t stop the beginning of another.

Please see HR or a Benefits Counselor for pricing.
Solving the long-term care issue

At any point in your life, you may need long-term care services, which could cost hundreds of dollars per day. Universal LifeEvents includes a long-term care (LTC) benefit that can help pay for these services at any age. This benefit remains at the same level throughout your life, so the full amount is always available when you most need it.

Here’s how it works:

You can collect 4% of your Universal LifeEvents death benefit per month for up to 25 months to help pay for long-term care services.

Flexible features available:
PLUS: if you collect a benefit for LTC, your full death benefit is still available for your beneficiaries, as much as doubling your benefit.

The LTC Benefit is an acceleration of the death benefit and is not Long-Term Care Insurance (except in LA and VA, where the LTC benefit is Long-Term Care Insurance). It begins to pay after 90 days of confinement or services, and to qualify you must meet conditions of eligibility for benefits. The LTC benefits provided by this policy may not cover all of the policyholder’s LTC expenses. Pre-existing condition limitation may apply. Your policy will contain complete details. You should consult a financial advisor to determine if the long-term care benefits and the retirement benefits provided by this policy are right for you.