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Short Term Disability


The company provides STD coverage to employees at no cost after a 30-day waiting period from the date of hire. STD is effective after an elimination period of one (1) day due to accident  & six (6) days due to illness. After the elimination period, this 26-week coverage will provide you with 50% of your weekly income if you are unable to work. You are automatically enrolled; no action from you is required. For more information, please contact HR.

Voluntary Long Term Disability


Employees have the opportunity to elect Voluntary Long Term Disability. This benefit is provided to you if you meet the definition of disability as defined by the plan. This plan provides a 60% income replacement benefit, with a maximum monthly benefit of $5,000 per month.

Pre-existing limitations will apply if you have a health condition that may disable you prior to your effective date.

Your LTD benefit is reduced by any other disability benefits you are eligible to receive, such as Social Security

Your ‘pay’ for the purposes of this plan is your base pay, no overtime

Your monthly LTD benefit will continue until you no longer meet the definition of a disability or reach the maximum benefit period. This will be defined in your certificate of coverage.

For more information, please download “Long Term Disability” flyer, located in the Resource box on this page.

Teamster Union

Short Term Disability


The company provides STD coverage to employees at no cost after a 30-day waiting period from the date of hire. STD is effective after an elimination period of one (1) day due to accident & six (6) days due to illness. After the elimination period, this 26-week coverage will provide you with a weekly income benefit based on rules outlined within your Collective Bargaining Agreement if you are unable to work. You are automatically enrolled; no action from you is required. For more information, please contact HR.

Voluntary Long Term Disability


Employees have the opportunity to elect Voluntary Long Term Disability. This benefit is provided to you if you meet the definition of disability as defined by the plan. This plan provides a 60% income replacement benefit, with a maximum monthly benefit of $5,000 per month.

Pre-existing limitations will apply if you have a health condition that may disable you prior to your effective date.

Your LTD benefit is reduced by any other disability benefits you are eligible to receive, such as Social Security

Your ‘pay’ for the purposes of this plan is your base pay, no overtime

Your monthly LTD benefit will continue until you no longer meet the definition of a disability or reach the maximum benefit period. This will be defined in your certificate of coverage.

For more information, please download “Long Term Disability” flyer, located in the Resource box on this page.

TWU Union

Short Term Disability


The company provides STD coverage to employees at no cost after a 30-day waiting period from the date of hire. STD is effective after an elimination period of one (1) day due to accident & six (6) days due to illness. After the elimination period, this 26-week coverage will provide you with a weekly income benefit based on rules outlined within your Collective Bargaining Agreement if you are unable to work. You are automatically enrolled; no action from you is required. For more information, please contact HR.

Voluntary Long Term Disability


Employees have the opportunity to elect Voluntary Long Term Disability. This benefit is provided to you if you meet the definition of disability as defined by the plan. This plan provides a 60% income replacement benefit, with a maximum monthly benefit of $5,000 per month.

Pre-existing limitations will apply if you have a health condition that may disable you prior to your effective date.

Your LTD benefit is reduced by any other disability benefits you are eligible to receive, such as Social Security

Your ‘pay’ for the purposes of this plan is your base pay, no overtime

Your monthly LTD benefit will continue until you no longer meet the definition of a disability or reach the maximum benefit period. This will be defined in your certificate of coverage.

For more information, please download “Long Term Disability” flyer, located in the Resource box on this page.