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A major accident or serious illness can happen to anyone at any time. Accident and Critical Illness insurance policies provide cash payouts to you if you or a covered family member experiences an accidental injury such as a broken leg, or a serious illness such as cancer, heart attack or stroke. The paid benefit can be used for any expenses, even those unrelated to the condition, such as groceries, transportation or child care.

Accident Insurance

Accidental Injury coverage provides payment after an accident to use as you see fit. It can help with out-of-pocket expenses such as deductibles, copays, transportation to medical centers, childcare and more.

Don’t forget to claim your $50 Wellness Benefit for receiving certain screening tests or other wellness exams.  Each covered person can collect a benefit once per year.   Please refer to the benefit summary for a listing of routine visits for which the benefit is payable.

You can manage your coverage or file a claim online 24/7 at

Employee Level Monthly Rate
Employee $18.33
Employee + Spouse $28.60
Employee + child(ren) $37.31
Family $51.15
Plan Benefits Coverage
Hospital Admittance $1,500
Hospital daily Confinement $300
ICU $600
Step Down Unit $150
Dr Visit $125
Urgent Care/ER $150
Ambulance $300
Air Ambulance $1,000
Lacerations up to $800
Burns $225-$15,000
Skin Grafts 25% of burn claim
MRI/CT $200
Tendon Surgery $1,200
Fractures up to $7,500
Physical Therapy $50
Coma $7,500
Accidental Death $50,000
Common Carrier $100,000
Dismemberment $100,000
Wellness $50
Auto Accident rider 25% additional on all benefits
Frequently Asked Questions

I have a good medical plan at work. Why would I need additional coverage for accidents?
Accidents can happen any time, to anyone and when you least expect them – and they can be costly. Even quality medical plans can leave you with extra expenses to pay. Costs like plan deductibles, copays for doctor visits and extra costs for out-of-network care can add up fast. Having the financial support you may need when the time comes means less worry for you and your family.

How do I pay for my accident coverage?
Premiums will be conveniently paid through payroll deduction.

Are benefits paid directly to me or to my healthcare provider?
Payments will be paid directly to you.

Critical Illness

Critical illness insurance can help by paying a lump sum payment directly to you at the first diagnosis of a covered condition. You decide how to spend it. You can use this coverage more than once for different conditions, but each condition is payable once per lifetime. 

Features and Plan Provisions
  • Coverage pays lump sum of benefit upon diagnosis
  • Spend the money however you want – can help cover your out of pocket medical expenses and more
  • 50% coverage is available for dependents
  • Claim a recurrence benefit if you suffer a second event (separation periods apply)
  • Coverage is portable at the same rate if you leave this job
Employee Level Monthly Rate
Employee $9.31
Employee + Spouse $13.51
Employee + child(ren) $26.01
Family $47.11
Plan Benefits % Coverage
Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) 100%
Stroke 100%
End Stage Renal Failure 100%
Major Organ Transplant 100%
Coronary Artery Bypass 50%
Invasive Cancer 100%
Carcinoma in Situ 10%
Skin Cancer 50%
Sudden Cardiac Arrest 100%
Pulmonary Embolism 10%
Pulmonary Fibrosis 10%
Alzheimers 50%
Parkinson’s 50%